- Info
Speakers and presentations - October 3, 2018
- Alexandre de Streel (University of Namur and CERRE)
- Thomas Tombal (UNamur and CRIDS) - Presentation
- Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze (OECD) - Presentation
- Kalle Kukk (Elering) - Presentation
- Noémie Papp (European Banking Federation) - Presentation
- Bruno Schröder (Microsoft) - Presentation
- Joost Vantomme (European Automobile) - Presentation
- Philippe Defraigne (Cullen International)
- Yves Poullet (University of Namur, NADI-CRIDS)
- Paul-Olivier Dehaye (PersonalData.IO)
- Cecilia Zappalà (Facebook)
- Federico Milani (DG Connect)
- Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze (OECD)